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PRELUDIO E FUGA - Gianfranco Gobbato
Honorable Mention in the 1st International Composition Prize SEM 2016
First performance ever during the concert of the awards ceremony 

Live recording
30th July 2016 in Sacile
Conductor: Mario Zanette
Orchestra of the Meeting and Orchestra "La Serenissima"



RISULTATI FINALI  La giuria del concorso internazionale “I Composition Prize SEM 2016”, composta da DANIELE ZANETTOVICH (President - Italy), GILBERTO BOSCO (Italy), ALAIN CRÉPIN (Belgium), FERRER FERRÁN (Spain), DIMITRI CERVO (Brazil), EDMUNDO VILLANI-CÔRTES (Brazil), dopo aver esaminato  le partiture pervenute, ha ritenuto - con decisione presa a maggioranza -di ''non assegnare nessun primo premio ''. La giuria segnala – a maggioranza - PRELUDIO E FUGA del compositore italiano Gianfranco Gobbato. Tale brano, come da regolamento, sarà eseguito in concerto Sabato 30 luglio 2016 a Sacile presso l’Ex Chiesa di San Gregorio in occasione del concerto finale dell’Orchestra del Sacile Estate Musicale, le Masterclass dell’FVG International Music Meeting. 

The Jury of the International Competition “I Composition Prize SEM 2016” composed by DANIELE ZANETTOVICH(Presidente - Italia), GILBERTO BOSCO (Italia), ALAIN CRÉPIN(Belgio), FERRER FERRÁN (Spagna), DIMITRI CERVO (Brasile), EDMUNDO VILLANI-CÔRTES (Brasile), after having examined the scores, decided to ''not assign any First Prize'' (decision taken by a majority).
The final decision was to assign,  by a majority , a Special Mentions  to PRELUDIO E FUGA by Italian composer Gianfranco Gobbato. This work will be performed in concert by FVG International Music Meeting Orchestra during the final orchestra concert, which will take place on Saturday July 30th, 2016 in Sacile, Ex Chiesa di San Gregorio.



Gianfranco Gobbato, composer