In April and May 2024 the Eighteenth Edition of the Concert Festival I CONCERTI A PALAZZO 2024 - artistic direction M° Mario Zanette - will be held in Sacile (Pordenone), Italy.
1. Finality
The aim is to give an occasion to young talented musicians to perform in a public concert and and to leave artistic evidence of their presence. It is open to young martists under 27 (average age is taken into consideration for ensemble, exception made for pianists and/or other musicians on accompaniment): students in their final years of study, new graduates and soon to be graduates of Italian and foreign musical institutions (State Conservatories, Musical Academies, Musical Institute, etc.).
2. Period and place of the Concerts Festival
The concerts will take place in APRIL (Friday 5th, Friday 12th, Thursday 19th, Friday 26th) and MAY (Friday 3rd, Friday 10th) in PALAZZO RAGAZZONI - viale Zancanaro, in the centre of Sacile.
3. Participation arrangements
It is possible to participate by submitting two types of programme:
Participation is free.
Participation form, with attachments the program, the curriculum (max 1500 characters; in the event of ensemble the curriculum of the instrumental unit is required) and a photo, must be filled in online at this link as soon as possible and in any event before March 10th, 2024. Some attachments can be downloaded from the site download page.
For chamber groups from the trio upwards it is sufficient to fill in a single application to participate in the name of one of the members, providing the names and surnames of the other performers, with their personal data and curricula.
4. Selection of requests
In consideration of the high number of requests, a selection of applications may take place, taking into account curriculum and artistic choices, and the detailed calendar of the event will be announced by March 24th, 2024.
The date of the concert will be chosen by the direction (for program and organizational needs) and it will be communicated to the participants before the publication of the calendar. 5.Certificate of attendance and reimbursement
Participants in the Festival will be issued with a certificate of participation and will be reimbursed for their travel expenses, for which they are required to fill in the appropriate form when submitting their application.
6. General conditions and Privacy Policy
In accordance with article 13 of the GDPR 2016/679 (E.U. General Data Protection Regulation) and article 13 of the Italian D.Lgs 196/2003 we inform you that personal data provided by participants will be used solely for the purposes of the festival.
No remuneration is due for any public activity nor for online video publishing nor for the production of audio CDs or DVDs or any other promotional activity of the Association.
Attendance at the festival imply the knowledge and acceptance of this regulation.
The organisation reserves the right to make changes to this notice at any time.
For any information, please contact Maestro Mario Zanette at +393495912912 or the Organizing Secretariat at +393472184731 and/or send an email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
The complete announcement and the application form can be viewed and downloaded here.